Registration and Lesson Policies

Welcome to the Joy of Music School!

Please read the following Registration and Lesson Policies to better acquaint you with the procedures of the School.  Kindly provide your signature at the end of the document stating that you have read and understand the following policies.  A copy of this document that also includes the School Calendar will be provided for your records.


Students may register for enrollment at the Joy of Music Youth Music School by completing the current registration forms and providing proof of income.  All students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

In order to provide instruction to the maximum number of children, students may only take lessons on one instrument at a time, unless through special arrangement with the staff.  Students intending to enroll at the School should not be currently taking lessons at any other music school.  Participation in other non-public school programs should be discussed with the staff prior to registration.  Students may enroll after the semester has begun if space permits.  Placement in the program is contingent on Volunteer Teacher availability.

Admission – Title VI Statement

The School admits students of any race, color or national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School.  The School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship programs, and other school administered policies.  No student will be denied admission because of lack of funds.  Complaints should be directed to the Executive Director.




Students are expected to meet lesson and rehearsal schedules promptly and regularly and to remain for the duration of these activities.  Students are enrolled for the entire academic year, from the date of the first enrollment through the last scheduled lesson of the year.  If you must miss your scheduled lesson, please contact us immediately, at least 3 hours in advance, so that we may have time to contact the teacher and make schedule changes as needed.  If you fail to contact us, or you provide notice late, it will result in an unexcused absence.  Being late twice or two unexcused absences in any semester will result in the child being placed on probation.  Students are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of their scheduled lessons, even if their absences are excused.  Probation will result if a student misses more than 20% of their lessons for any reason.  Make-up lessons cannot be scheduled.  Parents or guardians are responsible to notify the School of any change in contact information.  

From time to time, funding organizations that support the Joy of Music School request information from student public/private school records. The purpose is to track the impact of music learning on student achievement over time. Kindly provide Student Absences for the previous academic year from the School Report Card and let us know whether or not your student been involved in any aspect of the Juvenile Justice System (foster care, truancy or minor infractions). These questions are located on the Student Registration Form. This information will be kept confidential and will not disqualify students from our program.

Volunteer Teacher Schedules

The volunteer teachers at the School are talented, busy members of our community who kindly donate their time.  For each hour of lessons taught, a music teacher generally spends at least another hour preparing to teach. If a volunteer teacher schedule conflict occurs, students and their parents or guardians will be notified as soon as possible when it is necessary for a teacher to miss a lesson.

Lesson Schedules

All lesson scheduling is to be handled by the front office staff of the Joy of Music School. 

Private and Small Group Lessons: Meet for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour per week for instruction.

Ensembles: Meet for 45 minutes to one hour per week for instruction.

All lessons are scheduled through the Joy of Music School and are required to follow JoMS procedures, including on-site and on-line lessons and classes.  


Daily practice is the mutual responsibility of the parent or guardian and the student.  Be aware that students who do not regularly practice may be placed on probation and may not be accepted for lessons the following year.  Regular practice at home is essential for all music students.  Without daily practice, the student will be frustrated by a lack of progress and will be unable to take advantage of the teacher’s expertise.  The muscles tend to “forget” faster than the brain does.  It’s therefore necessary to have physical reinforcement of music skills every day.  Students are required to document their daily practice times in their assignment folder and parents are required to sign the practice sheet weekly.

A successful music student rarely exists without a parent or guardian’s encouragement in practicing every day.  It is a rare child that will practice without any supervision or prompting.  The student’s practice time will be more productive, and their concentration will be better if the music area is free from interruptions.  If the student is to respect the daily practice time, the rest of the family must also.  Learning music skills is complex and, if taken as a serious activity, is physically and mentally taxing.  The ultimate goal of music lessons is to prepare the student to be a competent, independent music reader and performer, and this requires perseverance.

Parents or guardians can help the students maintain a positive, productive attitude by showing interest in the student’s music, by listening to the student practice, by helping where needed, and by praising and encouraging the student at all levels of learning.  In homes where music and music lessons are valued, students learn faster and maintain interest longer.

Students who practice at the same time each day usually make better progress than those who practice after all other activities are completed.  Practice placed at the end of the day becomes a low priority, and the student is often too tired to accomplish a great deal.  If practice is to become a daily part of life, it must be given an assigned time in the daily schedule.  It is also better to practice for a short period each day, such as thirty minutes, than to skip several days and attempt to make up for this by a marathon practice period.  It is recommended that a student work intensely on a troublesome section of music, even if it is just one measure, until the problem is resolved with that section.  They can then continue by playing the entire piece with the troublesome section in the context of the whole piece.

Student Behavior and Attitude

Students are expected to treat each other, the staff and faculty, and the building with courtesy and respect.  Any discourteous or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the school.  If lessons are held on-site at the School, parents or guardians should remain at the school with their children, while observing COVID-19 policy.  It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure the safety and behavior of their children both before and after lessons.  If lessons are held on-line,  parents or guardians are expected to take responsibility for the children’s behavior and will be notified if assistance is needed with a child’s unacceptable behavior.


When a student is placed on probation, all lesson and activities are suspended until the student and their parent or guardian meet with the Music Director.  Probation can occur due to missed lessons or because a student fails to make satisfactory progress in lessons, especially due to lack of practice or effort.  If progress or attendance does not improve to the satisfaction of the teacher and/or the Music Director, the student will be dismissed from the School.


If lessons are on-site, students should arrive just before their scheduled lesson time and depart as soon as their lessons are completed.  Parents or guardians are required to remain at the school with their children, while observing COVID-19 policy.  Students may not bring visitors to lessons with them, without the prior permission of their teacher. If lessons are held on-line, students should be prepared for their lessons before the designated start time, check the designated email for their Zoom Invite, and be on-time and prepared with their instrument and assignment.

Performance Evaluations and Recitals

Students are required to perform for Evaluations conducted by the Joy of Music School at the end of each semester.  Additional performance opportunities (recitals) are also an important part of the student’s musical training and all students are encouraged participate.  Recitals are an enjoyable time of learning and sharing. Winter and Spring Recital dates will be announced as arrangements are made and students must audition to perform.  

Student’s Music Books

Students are responsible for having their music and their assignment folders at every lesson.  Teachers do not maintain extra copies in case they are forgotten. Music and supplies are provided by the School.

Instrument Policy

Students who do not have access to the instrument they are studying may borrow an appropriate instrument, if available.  Parents/ guardians and students are responsible for maintaining and caring for these instruments.  Students should arrive for lessons with instruments in good working order.  Please contact our office if you have any issues with these instruments during the week.  If a student does not have their instrument, let us know and we can provide a substitute instrument for the lesson.

School Calendar and School Closings

The School calendar lists all the dates that the school will be closed for a given semester and school year.  The School does NOT follow the public school calendar or federal holiday schedule.  The School remains open despite public school holidays, in-service days or teacher planning days, except for those dates noted on the Joy of Music School Calendar as being closed.  If students do not attend, they will receive an absence.  If the school is closed for an emergency such as bad weather, notifications will be sent by email, text, and social media. A public announcement will be made on WBIR Channel 10.  During times of bad weather, please check to see if the School will be open before making the trip.

Parent/Guardian Participation

The involvement of parents or guardians is very important!  Students and their teachers need your support.  Your assistance is needed to be sure that:
  1. The student is ready and/or arrives a bit early for their lesson.
  2. The student is prepared for lessons by having their music, their assignment folder and their instrument.
  3. The student is picked up promptly after their lesson if on-site.
  4. The student practices at home.
Communication between parents or guardians and teachers is very valuable in helping the students maintain good progress and enjoy their study of music.  Parents or guardians and/or students should feel free to ask questions of the teachers or staff as necessary.

Star Prizes

Stars are awarded at the discretion of the teacher.  In order to earn a star for a lesson, a student must:
  1. Be on time. 
  2. Bring their music, assignment folder and instrument. 
  3. Have practiced and met the teacher’s expectations. 
  4. Be polite to their teacher.

Complimentary Tickets for Special Events and Concerts

Complimentary tickets for concerts and special events are sometimes donated to the School for use by the students and immediate family members.  Please only request tickets for those events you are certain you will attend.  Failure to use the tickets we request for events could hinder our ability to obtain tickets for future events.


  • Policy: Students, family members and teachers eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations and children eligible for boosters are required to affirm in writing or via an online form that they are fully vaccinated or not if they intend to take part in in-person lessons at the school.
  • Policy: The School will have masks available at the front desk, but we do not prohibit entry if a mask is not worn.
  • Policy: Social distancing is to be practiced in our lobby.
  • Practice: Staff, students, families and teachers are to STAY AWAY should they have any symptoms whatsoever, and/or if they have been exposed to COVID-19 or any other infectious disease.
  • Practice: Follow-up reviews of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases case surges will be conducted by JoMS on a regular basis. If warranted, policies will be adjusted based on findings. Current COVID-19 status in Knox County can be found at Risk & Vaccine Tracker
  • Practice: We reserve the right to require masks should the situation become more critical.
  • Practice: We reserve the right to require vaccinations to enter the school should the situation become more critical.
  • Practice: HEPA air purifiers are to be utilized throughout the School.
  • Practice: Handwashing/sanitizing is required and strongly encouraged through signage throughout the school, and via enforcement from the school administrator.
  • CDC Guidance Information: The CDC recommends that people ages 6 months and older receive at least 1 bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Wearing a well-fitting mask consistently and correctly reduces the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. JoMS supports anyone who chooses to wear a mask at any COVID-19 Community Level, including low. At a medium COVID-19 Community Level, people who are immunocompromised or at risk for getting very sick with COVID-19 should talk to their healthcare provider about the need to wear a mask and take other precautions (for example, avoiding high-risk activities). Universal indoor mask use is recommended at a high COVID-19 Community Level.  CDC mask recommendations can be found at Masks and Respirators .
  • --If you must miss your scheduled lesson, please contact us immediately, at least 3 hours in advance, so that we may have time to contact the teacher and make schedule changes as needed.  
  • --Parents or guardians are responsible to notify the School of any change in contact information.
  • --All lesson scheduling is to be handled by the front office staff of the Joy of Music School. 
  • --All lessons must meet at the Joy of Music School, unless scheduled as a JoMS on-line Zoom lesson.  
  • --Daily practice is the mutual responsibility of the parent or guardian and the student. 
  • --Students are required to document their daily practice times in their assignment folder with a parent signature.
  • --Parents or guardians should remain at the school with their children if on-site.
  • --Students are required to perform for Evaluations conducted at the Joy of Music School at the end of each semester.
  • --Parents/ guardians and students are responsible for maintaining and caring for borrowed instruments. 
  • --The School does NOT necessarily follow the public school calendar or federal holiday schedule.
  • --COVID-19 Policies and Practices will be in place until further notice
I have read and understand the above Joy of Music School Registration and Lesson Policies.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

The mission of The Joy of Music Youth Music School is to provide a quality music education for financially disadvantaged, at risk youth.

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