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We are a nonprofit organization in Knoxville, Tennessee

Providing free music lessons and instruments to hundreds of financially disadvantaged, at-risk children and teens. All of our teachers–more than a hundred–are volunteers.

Learn about the organization that has provided the art and discipline of music to thousands of deserving children and teens since 1998.

OUR MISSION: To provide quality music education for financially disadvantaged, at-risk youth.

VISION: Broader lives through music for all financially disadvantaged children and teens.

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We are a nonprofit organization in Knoxville, Tennessee

Providing free music lessons and instruments to hundreds of financially disadvantaged, at-risk children and teens. All of our teachers–more than a hundred–are volunteers.

Learn about the organization that has provided the art and discipline of music to thousands of deserving children and teens since 1998. Click below to learn more.

OUR MISSION: To provide quality music education for financially disadvantaged, at-risk youth.

VISION: Broader lives through music for all financially disadvantaged children and teens.

1997 - Before The Beginning

In 1997 Mr. James A. Dick, business leader and philanthropist, visits the W.O. Smith School in Nashville. Impressed by their mission of providing low cost music lessons to low income children, he brings the idea home to Knoxville.

Later that year Mr. Dick gathers fellow business leaders, community activists, and music educators, founding the Joy of Music School.

1998 - First Classes

The School begins operations in the fall at the Boys and Girls Club of Knoxville.

With a volunteer board and one staff member they undertake the mission of providing a quality music education to financially disadvantaged, at-risk youth. The founding board president is F. Michael Combs. The School begins in the Moses Center in space provided by the Boys and Girls Clubs with Anne Marie Begley as the first primary music teacher and coordinator.

2000 - Nonprofit Status

In November 2000, the Joy of Music School becomes a 501(c)(3), nonprofit corporation.

2001 - An Executive and a Club

The School’s first executive director, Marisa Galick, is hired to manage the business operations for the School.

In October the School begins a neighborhood program in which non-Boys & Girls Club members can also register to take free music lessons if they qualify as being from low income families.

2002 - Building

School enrollment grows so fast that in July the board begins a search for a larger building. After an exhaustive search a new home is found.

2003 - Moving

In August The School moves from a cramped 900 sq. ft. space at the Moses Center to a 14,000 sq. ft. building at 1209 Euclid Avenue, only blocks away.

2005 - Upgrades and New Leadership

In March School breaks ground on major upgrades to its new home, adding an elevator, a second stairwell, and handicap accessible restrooms.

In October Julie Carter, a respected music educator and flutist with considerable international experience, is hired as director of music education.

In November the new addition to the building is completed. Now the School is fully operational with a spacious lobby, and a kid-friendly family waiting area.

In December noted conductor Francis Graffeo, formerly of Knoxville Opera, and founder of Knoxville’s Rossini Festival, is appointed the School’s executive director.

2006 - New President

In January the School’s board of directors elects prominent attorney and musician Rick Carl as president.

2007 - Presidency Interrupted

Ms. Julie Howard, attorney and singer/actor is named acting president in February as Mr. Carl is forced by family matters to redirect his energies.

2008 - Student Success

In the School’s tenth anniversary year Mr. Kenneth Dobbins, then president of BankEast, begins his tenure as president of the board.

In August bassoonist Preston Sangster, student of JoMS volunteer teacher and University of Tennessee professor Keith McClelland, is the first Joy of Music School graduate to attend college. He enrolls as a music education major at the University of Tennessee School of Music on a full scholarship.

In September guitarist Nate Montgomery is the first Joy of Music School graduate to return as a volunteer teacher after studying guitar at the School from 2004-2007.

2009 - President Jay

Mr. Larsen Jay, then President of DoubleJay Creative, succeeds Mr. Dobbins as President of the Board of Directors.

2010 - College

Kurt Weiss, management consultant, becomes president of the board in March as Larsen Jay steps back onto the board and focuses his energies on his growing motion picture production business.

An agency purporting to be a documentary producer documents a pre-arranged volunteer who helps out at the School for a few days. By the end of that week it is revealed that the volunteer is actually a millionaire who makes a substantial donation to the School in her final moments with us. It is further revealed that the producers are actually the ABC Television Network, and the footage is to be used in an episode of a new series, “Secret Millionaire.”

Tenor saxophonist Marquis McGee, student of JoMS volunteer teacher and jazz great Jerry Coker, enters the UT School of Music as a Studio Performance and Jazz major on a full scholarship.

Jazz pianist Taber Gable, another student of Jerry Coker, enters the Hartt School, University of Hartford, as the first full scholarship recipient of the Hartt Performing Arts Scholarship.

2011 - Loss and Recognition

The School co-founds the Knoxville Area Mentoring Initiative with four other local nonprofits. This brings standardized training for volunteer teachers in mentoring, thereby strengthening and deepening the relationship between our volunteer teachers and their students.

School founder, Mr. James A. Dick passes away. His legacy lives on in the fine work of our volunteers and in the music made by the hundreds and hundreds of Joy of Music School children. We mourn his loss, and are proud to carry on the vision he created.

ABC Television airs an episode of “Secret Millionaire” featuring the Joy of Music School. It is viewed by over 20 million people.

Former JoMS student, Jeremiah Welch returns as a volunteer teacher.

The School surpasses 100 teachers and 200 private-lesson students for the first time.

2012 - Scholarship

Banking executive Trey Coleman, already a volunteer guitar teacher, assumes the position of president of the board of directors.

JoMS graduate, Breyon Ewing begins studies at UT as the sole recipient of the Grace Moore Vocal Scholarship.

2013 - Progress

JoMS graduate, Preston Sangster, who had earned a bachelor’s degree from UT on a full music scholarship, and was working as a music teacher in the Loudon County, Tenn. Schools, is honored as “New Teacher of the Year” by that district.

JoMS graduate, Kristen Thames, enters the University of Tennessee on a full music scholarship.

2014 - Juilliard

The board of directors elects television producer and writer, Geoff Proud, as board president.

JoMS graduate, Taber Gable, previous winner of a jazz piano scholarship from the University of Hartford, graduates from that institution and begins graduate studies at the Juilliard School Graduate Jazz Studies Program under Wynton Marsalis.

2015 - Giving Back

Taber Gable returns to Knoxville to present a benefit concert as a way of thanking the School for the opportunities he was given.

Julie Carter celebrates her 10th anniversary on the job as director of music education.

Former JoMS student, Kristen Thames returns as a volunteer teacher.

JoMS outreach teachers give classes to over 1,000 children in a year for the first time. These teachers spread out in the area giving classes at after-school facilities like Boys & Girls Clubs, Urban Family Outreach, and many others. It’s a major milestone for the community!

2016 - Returning

Former JoMS student Breyon Ewing returns as a volunteer teacher.

Knoxville attorney, Rick Carl, is elected president of the board of directors.

2018 - A New Tune

Singer and radio station owner, Cindi Alpert, is elected president of the board of directors.

2019 - End of an Era

Marilyn Dick passes away at age 95. The widow of the School’s founder, James Dick, she was an enthusiastic and generous supporter. Marilyn bestowed charm, dignity, joy, and goodwill everywhere she went. Her love and serenity are greatly missed.

2020 - Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic forces the School to shut down in-person teaching in March. The program resurfaces within a week with an all-online model using Zoom for internet video lessons.

Former JoMS student, Caleb Lukkarila returns as a volunteer teacher.

2021 - Reemerging

As the pandemic eases, the Joy of Music School makes plans for a fall 2021 reopening under health-safe conditions, and with an eye toward serving as many children and youth as possible in person.


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